How to Write a Good Article Review

In order to write a good article review, one must first read the article and in order to ensure an understanding of the article from various perspectives. In most cases, it is quite helpful to read the article several times while taking note of the opening statements, headings, and the opening sentences of the article that is to be reviewed. After taking note of these sections of the article, one should then go back to the top of the article and read the article fully from the introduction to the conclusion. Reading the article a third time while highlighting the main points will help the reader to remember the main points of the article and include them when writing the review. As one is reading the article, it is important for the reviewer to think about their personal feelings as well as the perspective of the author.

A good article review should begin with details of the article including the article’s title, the author of the article, and the publication details of the order. The following paragraphs will then tell the reader about the opinion of the reviewer concerning the subject of the article and perhaps how it opinion differs from that written by a different author. The concluding paragraph should be short and provide a review of the article review.

When beginning to write the article review, one should create a summary outline which outlines the main points that have been made in the article and the arguments and references that support the main points. The summary of the article review is mainly a restatement of the main points of the article and should not include any personal opinions. Once this is done, the reviewer should write an outline of the reviewer’s opinion on the author and the article. While writing the reviewers opinion, the reviewer should examine the article from various perspectives and review how the article has contributed to the field and also areas of the article that the reviewer thinks are in need of improvements. The reviewer can best do this by creating a list of strengths and weaknesses and then give personal opinions on these strengths and weaknesses.

Once this is done, the reviewer can now begin writing the first draft of the review being sure to refer to the title of the article in the first paragraph of the essay. It is also important to also include a few details of the author’s major points. After introducing the article, the reviewer should now summarize the article; this will entail expressing the main points of the article by the reviewer’s own words. Once this is done, the reviewer should then write the opinion portion of the article review.

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