5-Page Essay on Bullying

Bullying can be described or defined in a number of ways. Many perceive bullying to be incidents of peer victimization or harassment, mostly among children and adolescents. However, bullying also takes place among adults, in the workplace and within the neighborhood. Bullying can entail interactions between a single bully and his victim, a single bully and several victims, multiple bullies and a single victim, and multiple bullies and multiple victims.

Furthermore, bullying can occur as an aggressive exchange between individuals who are friends. One should note that the term bullying is most often used to describe social interactions rather than the participants in the social interaction.

Bullying is an issue that has always existed, currently exists, and will always exist. Bullies are everywhere: on the playground, in the classroom, on the school bus, in the lunch line, and even in school dressing rooms–basically, everywhere. Continue reading 5-Page Essay on Bullying

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