Sample Essay on Family

Family means love, trust, communication, being together, sharing, understanding, listening, caring and space. My family members consist of my immediate family (my parents, 6 brothers, and 1 sister) and some extended. What makes us a whole is that we all understand what the meaning of family means to us as a family. With such a big family we all understand the roles that need to be played to achieve the meaning of family, for an example you always listen to the family members who are older than you.

As a multigenerational family there are differences in authority and responsibility. The older you are in my family the more authority and responsibility you have, but in my family you also have to earn it. The social system is very unique and similar to my families system. We as a family communicate with each other very well about different things, but there’s a stronger bond between us kids. Continue reading Sample Essay on Family

Sample Essay on Romeo and Juliet

Act 1, Scene 3 differs from prior scenes in that it shows a view of the play: “Romeo and Juliet“, from a woman’s perspective, as opposed to the male world of violence and power shown earlier. This is important transition because it allows the audience to empathize with these characters differently and shows an alternative attitude towards the life they live, with varying intentions and ideas. Some audience members would understand and relate to the characters shown here more than in previous scenes, allowing them to fully-immerse themselves in the play’s world and making it seem more realistic.

Introducing the major female character in the play for the first time, the scenes before create suspense and guide the audience through the story by telling them about her. This scene follows Paris’ visit to Capulet, in which he, Paris, requests the hand of Capulet’s daughter Juliet in marriage. The audience learns in Act one, Scene two that Juliet is fair, respectable and wealthy, through this, because for a wealthy Count, Paris, to desire to marry her, she would have to possess those traits. The business-like marriages of the time would only have allowed Paris and Juliet to be joined in wedlock if they and their families were of a similar status in society. Continue reading Sample Essay on Romeo and Juliet

Sample Affirmative Action Essay

Affirmative action is an issue closely related to cultural diversity. It affects the entire employed and unemployed population of the United States. Affirmative action continues to demonstrate that it causes more harm than good. Affirmative action was created to eliminate discrimination in the workplace. Instead, it has created reverse discrimination and caused more problems than it has resolved. It has also caused a great deal more qualified personnel to be replaced by less qualified minority workers. This creates internal strife, lower efficiency in the workplace, and increased racial hostility. It is the intent of this paper to show the effects of reverse discrimination, legal issues and regulations related to reform, and alternatives to Affirmative action. Continue reading Sample Affirmative Action Essay

Sample Essay on Anorexia

Anorexia is an illness. It is a form of eating disorder. People who suffer from anorexia lose significant weight by starving themselves, so much so that their weight falls way below ideal. Despite being underweight, sufferers still have the misconception of being fat, and some may even avoid mirrors and continue extreme dieting. This can be very dangerous as prolonged starvation can lead to death. Although there is no medication to treat this illness, the good news is, anorexic victims can be cured. It will take them a lot perseverance and determination, but it can be done. There is no one definitive method, but here are a few good ways to start. Continue reading Sample Essay on Anorexia

Sample Essay on Motivation

Motivation is the process of initiating and directing behaviour based on the persistence of effort to satisfy an individual goal or need (Petri, 1991; Robbins et al, 2000 and Robbins et al, 2001). There are two approaches to understanding motivation, each of which has theories expanding to support the nature of motivation. Content theories focuses on what motivates an individual. In contrast to process theories of motivation which focus on how individual behaviour is motivated. This essay will focus on motivation in an educational context and the importance to provide opportunities and motivation for students. The purpose of this essay is to present a theoretical overview of the key differences between content theories and process theories of motivation. Then a programme developed from a theory to be applied to an undergraduate business course at Monash University. The motivational programme will focus on improving the assessment technique used by lecturers and tutors (“teachers”) that will motivate and improve undergraduate students learning ability. Continue reading Sample Essay on Motivation

Sample Essay on Abortion

The issue of abortion is a very tender subject here in the United States: some consider it murder and others claim it is only for the best. According to M. LeRoy Sprang and Mark G. Neerhof abortion after the twenty weeks of gestation is and will always be murder. However, David A. Grimes protests that abortions late in pregnancy are for the better welfare of the mother and child, if the circumstances comply. Thus there are a variety of views on the issue of abortion.

To begin with, M. LeRoy Sprang and Mark G. Neerhof claim the abortion of a baby after the twenty week gestation period is not only dangerous for the fetus but also for the mother. Through a recent census it has been proven that that D&X is neither safest nor necessary for late abortions. In fact this census caused the D&X procedure to be ban in 28 states and Congress agreed to consider the ban. Continue reading Sample Essay on Abortion

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